We thank John Galland for his service during his time at the Office of Research Integrity.
ORI Updates
One can imagine a graduate student or post-doctoral fellow engaging in questionable research practices due to perceived expectencies from the principal investigator. Do these people convince themselves that what they're doing is not wrong? Is it possible that some researchers lie to themselves about engaging in questionable practices? What do you think?
ORI celebrates one year on Twitter, part of our effort to reach out to the research community....
RCR training has been active for over ten years, but has it worked to reduce misconduct? Dr. Donald Kornfeld writes his opinion in a recent article in Academic Medicine .
The sharing of data is encouraged in science, but what would you do if a for-profit company asks for your data?
What should a PI do if a personal relationship within the lab affects productivity?
Held on March 15-16, 2012 in Washington DC, the Quest for Research Excellence 2012 conference provided an outstanding means to enhance the professional development and behavior of researchers....
....Here are some areas in research integrity that a few people attending the conference and giving presentations would like to see further explored....
The Mini RIO Boot Camp at the Quest for Research Excellence Conference 2012, which required pre-registration, is full! Those interested in knowing when the next full-scale RIO boot camp will be scheduled, should email their contact information to AskORI@hhs.gov
Marlene Belfort is a Distinguished Professor at SUNY Albany. She will be speaking about Work-Life balance for researchers at the ORI Quest for Research Excellence 2012 Conference. She will present "Work-Life Balance, Domestic Equilibrium and Research Excellence" on Thursday, March 15th at 8am