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Bibliography (page 8 of 8)

Weiss, R. (2002). Resumption of Gene Therapy Urged. Washington Post. Washington, D.C.: A17. October 11, 2002.

Stem Cells

Lo, B., P. Zettler, et al. (2005). "A New Era in the Ethics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research." Stem Cells 23(10): 1454-1459.
     The authors from UCSF discuss, well in advance of any clinical opportunities, the ethical concerns surrounding the injection of stem cells in a Phase I trial in humans. The issues they consider include updating the scientists on the health profile of the donor -- you would not want to introduce a genetic disease -- and making sure that the subjects understand what the research entails in terms of, among other things, remote risk and lifelong follow up.

Walters, L. (2004). "Human embryonic stem cell research: an intercultural perspective." Kennedy Inst Ethics J 14(1): 3-38.
     This report reviews positions, formal and informal, adopted by various religions or spokespersons for non-monolithic religions regarding human embryonic stem cell research. It also reviews policies that have been developed in four regions of the world. An excellent compilation.

Pullman, D. and A. Latus (2003). "Clinical trials, genetic add-ons, and the question of benefit-sharing." The Lancet 362(9379): 242.
     The authors consider whether those contributing genetic material for research that would yields profitable results should receive some benefit from their contribution. They note that groups contributing to genetic studies can sometimes be expected to benefit and they suggest that individuals should have the same possibility. They propose a way to accomplish this.

Guenin, L. M. (2004). "The morality of unenabled embryo use--arguments that work and arguments that don't." Mayo Clin Proc 79(6): 801-8.
      This very thoughtful philosophical piece dissects arguments for and against the use of about to be discarded embryos for the production of lines to carry out research. He comes up with formulation justifying their use for research purposes. This is a really sound paper and well worth reading carefully

Park, S., S. Orkin, et al. (2006). "Reactions to the Hwang Scandal." Science 311(5761): 606-7.
     These are 4 thoughtful letters in reaction the Hwang scandal. The Park letter apologizes for Korean science. The Orkin letter discusses the negative impact on stem cell research. The Martin letter criticizes the editors of Science. The Kwok letter emphasizes the importance of protecting whistleblowers.

Dickenson, D. (2004). "CONSENT, COMMODIFICATION AND BENEFIT-SHARING IN GENETIC RESEARCH." Developing World Bioethics 4(2): 109-124.
     This is a very thoughtful and interesting paper. It deals with the issues surrounding getting blood or tissue samples for genetic diagnostics. and for the development of treatments for diseases. These include the lack of informadness in the consent process, especially about the potential economic benefits, the commodification of our bodies, which is somewhat distasteful, and the notions of exploitation and bribery in getting samples from developing countries. There is also the question of the meaning of access to the results of the intervention.

Macklin, R. (2003). "Bioethics, Vulnerability, and Protection." Bioethics 17(5-6): 472-486.
      The author deals with vulnerable populations, exploitation, and harm, which are independent variables. She defines exploitation as occurring when the wealthy or powerful take advantage of the poverty powerlessness or dependency of others to serve their purposes. She points out that people can be harmed even if not exploited in clinical research.
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