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Bibliography (page 5 of 8)

Magnus, D. and M. K. Cho (2005). "ETHICS: Issues in Oocyte Donation for Stem Cell Research." Science 308(5729): 1747-1748.

Malakoff, D. (2003). "Human cloning. New players, same debate in Congress." Science 299(5608): 799.
      This brief news report describes the Congressional debate surrounding a four year ban on all therapeutic stem cell research as suggested by the President's Commission. While the tide seems to have turned, this gives the players and the arguments.

Marshall, E. (1999). "GENETIC TESTING: Beryllium Screening Raises Ethical Issues." Science 285(5425): 178b-179.
      This report discusses the use of genetic screening to deny certain jobs encountering beryllium exposure by the Department of Energy because of a demonstrated genetic susceptibility to berylliosis, a severely debilitating and lethal pneumoconiosis. It focuses on an existing practice but the ethical issue in considering genetic screening as consideration for certain lines of work runs counter to public policies insisting that discrimination on the basis of a disability is illegal and immoral. We have learned to accept these protections in relation to college and professional school admission and most employment. Is the beryllium case the camel's nose in the tent? Very worthwhile reading.

Marshall, E. (2000). "BIOMEDICINE:Gene Therapy on Trial." Science 288(5468): 951-957.
      This news article reviews the Jesse Gelsinger case before all the data were in and interviews a number of people in the gene therapy field as well as detailing the corporate connections of the gene therapy establishment. A most interesting quote was obtained from Arthur Caplan indicating that Wilson did not have a conflict of interest.

Marshall, E. (2002). "Clinical research. Gene therapy a suspect in leukemia-like disease." Science 298(5591): 34-5.
      This news report describes the situation involving the first leukemia patient who developed leukemia in the course of a gene therapy trial to treat combined immunodeficiency disease.

Marshall, E. (2003). "GENE THERAPY: Second Child in French Trial Is Found to Have Leukemia." Science 299(5605): 320-.
      With the development of leukemia in a second child in the French combined immunodeficiency trial, gene therapy studies in humans ground to a halt except for a few cancer studies.

McCabe, L. (1996). "Efficacy of a targeted genetic screening program for adolescents." Am J Hum Genet. 59(4): 762-3.
      The author discusses an article on genetic screening in which a population of school children was invited to be tested for beta-thalassemia or Tay Sachs heterozygosity depending on their backgrounds. Both parent and child had to sign informed consents after a session in which they were taught about the diseases and their inheritance. The article points out that studies such as this might give pause to those who consider the risk of genetic testing to be greater than possible benefits. A persuasive argument for genetic testing for specific conditions is given.

Lebacqz, K, Mendiola, M., T. Peters, et al. (1999). "Research with human embryonic stem cells: ethical considerations. By Geron Ethics Advisory Board." Hastings Center Report 29(2): 31-6.
      Geron was successful in developing immortalized human embryonic stem cells and convened an ethics advisory board to delineate appropriate ethical practices. They consisted of six points that are elaborated in this document. Paraphrased, they state that 1) the blastocyst must be treated with appropriate respect; 2) Those donating embryos should give full and informed consent; 3) no reproductive cloning; 4) acquisition or development of the feeder layers should not violate norms for human or animal research; 5) such research should be done with concern for global justice; 6) such research should be approved by an independent ethics advisory board in addition to an IRB. These considerations were core to the conclusions of the National Academy of Sciences Committee and have been applied to the regulations of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. This is a very worthwhile read.
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