Allan and Jamal

Allan and Jamal work together at a homeless shelter. They work for a program that combines research and services. The program provides assistance finding health care and jobs. Allan collects research information to find out whether the assistance makes a difference.

Mr. Smith is a shelter resident who really wants to have a job. Allan thinks that enrolling in the program would be good for Mr. Smith. Last month, Allan asked Mr. Smith three times to participate. Mr. Smith said no every time. When Mr. Smith’s cousin came to visit him, Allan told the cousin that Mr. Smith refused to participate. The cousin convinced Mr. Smith to participate.

Jamal saw what happened. He knows that Allan just wanted to help, but doesn't think that Allan acted ethically.

What could Jamal say to Allan to explain what went wrong?

First think about what Jamal could say to Allan.

Then click here for hints and ideas.

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