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Case: Data Falsification (page 3 of 6)

Dean Stoessel: Well, this is a serious matter and we can't just let it go by. These things have a tendency to have lives of their own. I am going to have to call for a formal inquiry. Both you and Ms. Foster have to submit written statements to me within 48 hours and be prepared to testify before the inquiry board.

  1. Prof Milani refused to cooperate with Prof. Frankel, precipitating the inquiry. What is his responsibility here and can this be held against him?
  2. How much discretion does the integrity officer, the dean in this case, have when approached with this kind of allegation?
  3. Should Prof. Frankel be required to tell Milani that she is going to the Dean?
Narrator: The meeting with Jennie.

Prof. Frankel: Dean Stoessel requested that you and I write a statement describing the problem with Dr. Milani's work. He felt that he had to convene an inquiry to determine whether there was enough here to result in a formal research misconduct investigation.
Jennie: Why did you go to the Dean withhout telling me first? I really don't want to do this. It will seem as though I am a whistleblower, which was never my intention. I am really into research and this is likely to ruin my career.

Prof. Frankel: It's too late. The cat is out of the bag. Besides, being a whistleblower will protect your fellowship. You must do this.

Narrator: Jennie was asked to leave Prof Milani's lab and the only other lab that would accept her was Prof. Frankel's. She was shunned by the other graduate students, began to lose sleep and ability to concentrate. At his point she was worried that she had gotten it all wrong and was ruining not only her own career, but those of Prof Milani whom she liked and Jim Liu whom she never met. And for what!

  1. For what indeed?
  2. Does Jennie have any culpability here?
  3. Should she have received counseling? When and what kind?
  4. Does removal from lab constitute retaliation against a whistleblower?

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Chapter 8
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