It is widely agreed that research data should be shared, but deciding
when and with whom raises questions that are sometimes difficult to
Researchers are not expected to and in most instances should not release
preliminary data, that is, data that have not been carefully checked
and validated. The one exception to this rule would be preliminary data
that could potentially benefit the public. A researcher who has strong
preliminary indications of a major threat to public health, such as
unexpected side effects from a drug or an unrecognized environmental
health problem, may have good reason to share this information with
the public and other researchers before it is fully validated. Data
that have no immediate public benefit, such as the discovery of a basic
scientific process that could eventually lead to public benefits, in
most instances is best held until the researcher is confident that the
results will stand.
Researchers can withhold confirmed or validated data until they have
had time to establish their priority for their work through publication
or, in rare cases, a public announcement. They do not have to release
data on a day-to-day or experiment-to-experiment basis for other researchers
to use, even though this might speed the advance of knowledge. Provided
no agreements have been made to the contrary, keeping data confidential
prior to publication is a commonly accepted practice that most researchers
and funding agencies accept.
Once a researcher has published the results of an experiment, it is
generally expected that all the information about that experiment, including
the final data, should be freely available for other researchers to
check and use. Some journals formally require that the data published
in articles be available to other researchers upon request or stored
in public databases. In the specific case of federally funded research
that is used in setting policies that have the effect of law, research
data must be made available in response to Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) requests (OMB, Circular A-110). There is, in other words, considerable
support for sharing data with other researchers and the public unless
there are compelling reasons for confidentiality.