
Awards Data 2002

Nine awards were made by the Research on Research Integrity (RRI) Program in response to 30 applications received. The awards were supported by the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), and ORI.

Total funding (new and continuations) for the second year was about $2.17 million which doubles the $1.03 million allocated in the first round. ORI provided $1.42 million and NINDS and NINR provided $0.75 million. The grants were limited to $100,000 in direct costs plus indirect costs for each of two years.


PI (pubications*) Institution Study Title 
*Lisa A. Bero University of California-San Francisco A Qualitative Study of Editorial Decision-Making
*Benjamin Djulbegovic University of Soutd Florida Equipoise and the Research Integrity of Clinical Trials
*Elizabeth Heitman Vanderbilt University Medical Center New Graduate Students' Baseline Knowledge of RCR
*Joan Liaschenko University of Minnesota Nurses: Research Integrity in Clinical Trials
*Francis L. Macrina Virginia Commonwealth University Responsible Conduct of Research Instruction: Initial Findings.
*Richard Mcgee Mayo Clinic Rochester Trainee-Focused Training for Research Integrity
*Michelle M. Mello Harvard School of Public Health Industry-Sponsored Research Contracts: An Empirical Study
*Anne Victoria Neale Wayne State University Correcting the Literature After Scientific Misconduct

* Links to publications resulting from the work funded by the grant.

Source URL: https://ori.hhs.gov/awards-data-2002