
ORI Welcomes Zoë Hammatt, New Division of Education and Integrity Director

Zoe HammattThe Office of Research Integrity (ORI) welcomes Zoë Hammatt. Ms. Hammatt is the new director of the Division of Education and Integrity.  In this role, she will head several of ORI’s essential functions such as the Assurance Program, Research on Research Integrity Program, Educational Resource Development Program, and Communications Program.  Her international experience will provide necessary guidance as ORI continues to expand its international presence in the research community.

Ms. Hammatt served as Director of the Research Integrity Program and as the Research Integrity Officer at the University of Hawaii. A licensed attorney with a Master's degree in Law and Ethics, Ms. Hammatt served on the faculty at the University of Hawaii medical and law schools and taught courses in biomedical ethics, regulatory compliance, human subjects protection, and responsible conduct of research.  She also has served as the Legal and Regulatory Specialist and Chair of the Ethics and Regulatory Subcommittee for the NIH-funded Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) Translational Research Network (RTRN), a national consortium of 18 institutions dedicated to reducing health disparities through collaborative basic, clinical, and translational research.  Among her many accomplishments, she led the harmonization of the IRB process across all 18 RCMI institutions.  Ms. Hammatt has been a Fellow with the St. Francis International Center for Healthcare Ethics in Honolulu since 1997 and since 1995 has been involved in international projects to empower women in Central and East Europe as they develop initiatives that support their communities. 

Ms. Hammatt received a B.A. in English Literature at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, a Master's degree in Law and Ethics in Medicine from the University of Glasgow in Scotland, and a J.D. from the University of Hawaii, where she practiced law with Case Lombardi and Pettit, the oldest law firm in Hawaii.

Source URL: https://ori.hhs.gov/blog/ori-welcomes-zoë-hammatt-new-division-education-and-integrity-director