
RCR Resource Development Program - Round 5

Round 4 - 2005 / Round 3 - 2004 / Round 2 - 2003 / Round 1 - 2002

Round 5 - 2006
ORI funded 4 projects in the fifth round of the RCR Resource Development Program. Each of the four projects was awarded $50,000 to create advanced level products for RCR. Projects are anticipated to be complete by September 2007 and available for free through ORI.

Descriptions of the Projects

RCR Instructional Assessment Project
James DuBois
Saint Louis University

St. Louis University will develop a list of educational objectives for RCR and create a database of assessment items for RCR knowledge. A rigorous Delphi study will be performed using experienced RCR educators, administrators, and RCR researchers to develop objectives in 7 of the 9 RCR core areas. Upon completion, a battery of test items will be developed to address all objectives.

Teaching Research Integrity in Analysis and Reporting: A Web-site with Case-Based Vignettes
Harold Kincaid and Sara Vollmer
University of Alabama Birmingham

Two web-based courses will be created aimed to decrease questionable practices in data analysis. Specific topics covered include practices using power analysis, microarray analysis, reporting of outliers, and image data processing.

IACUC Animal Facility Inspections Training Module: “Virtual Walk-Through”
David Lyons
Wake Forest University Health Sciences

A computer-based training tool will be created to train IACUC inspectors. The tool will consist of interactive 360 degree panoramic images of animal facilities that provide real life visual training. Users find "hot spots" within each room to identify potential problems.

Multimedia Software to Ensure Responsible Laboratory Management Skills
Derina Samuel
Syracuse University

A computer-based tool will be created to assist researchers establish laboratories. The tool will address budgeting, human resources, inventory and set up, future funding, and mentorship.

Source URL: https://ori.hhs.gov/rcr-resource-development-program-round-5