1. Substantive changes in questions asked in surveys or
interviews (if unsure whether changes qualify as substantive, check with
Regulatory Compliance Office)
2. changes in personnel conducting the research
3. changes in number or populations of subjects
4. changes in procedures, or the addition of instruments.
The IRB must review and issue written unconditional approval
of all requests for modifications to previously approved research protocols
PRIOR to implementation Though seemingly benign, modifications may alter
the risk to participants in a research project, and therefore must be
reviewed and approved by the IRB. (Changes in investigator information,
such as mailing address or phone number, should be conveyed to the Regulatory
Compliance Office, but do not necessarily need to undergo review by the
All modification requests must be reviewed and approved
at the initial review level (see approval letter for this information),
i.e., changes in protocols initially reviewed at the Full board level
must be reviewed at a regularly scheduled meeting of the IRB. Therefore,
investigators must plan accordingly and allow adequate time for review
and approval of modifications before implementation. For Full board protocols,
modification requests must be received by the IRB by the submission deadline
for the next meeting (visit http://www.unh.edu/osr/compliance/IRB_Schedule.html
for this information); modifications to protocols originally approved
at the Expedited or Exempt level are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Allow
a minimum of 15 working days for processing, review, and final approval
of your request for a modification.
To request a modification to a previously approved protocol,
send a letter to the IRB containing the information outlined
below in section A, and where relevant, attach documents noted in sections
B, C, or D.
A. Description of requested modification(s) as outlined
below in items 1-3.
1. Change To Research Protocol - describe what you want
to do, how it differs from the original protocol, and the rationale for
the change. Be sure to include the IRB protocol number from your approval
2. Risks - List any changes in possible risks to subjects, including physical,
psychological, and economic (loss of employability), pertinent to the
requested modification. Also address issues of confidentiality and risks
associated with a breach of confidence, if applicable. Any project involving
risk of physical injury, civil, financial or criminal liability, risk
to a subject's employability, or instances where the research involves
sensitive aspects of the subject's own behavior such as illegal conduct,
drug use, sexual behavior, or use of alcohol, has the potential of involving
more than minimal risk.
3. Benefits - Discuss any changes in benefits to participants. In studies
involving risk, discuss the relationship between risks and benefits.
B. Copies of new or revised informed consent or assent
C. Copies of new or revised questionnaires, guiding questions,
survey instruments, tests, etc.
D. Other pertinent documentation as deemed necessary.