Administrators and the Responsible Conduct of Research
Data Management

Data Management Quiz

1.  For all sponsored projects, the grantee or contractor must retain project data for:

3 years after the close of the project

3 years after submission of the final financial report

3 years after the submission of the final progress report

None of the above

2.  The federal agency that has established a website to address concerns over data sharing is:

The National Institutes of Health

The National Science Foundation

The Office of Management and Budget

3.  The three general categories of data to which retention requirements apply are:

historical, financial, and research data.

paper records, digital records, and recorded data.

research, financial, and administrative data.

research, administrative, and general management data.

4.  If a researcher working under a sponsored project moves from Institution A to Institution B, it is important that either the original or a complete copy of the research data is left with Institution A because:

Institution B has no need for the data.

Institution A is responsible to the sponsor for retaining the data.

Institution A needs to send all the data to the sponsor.

5.  What best describes the focus of most institutional data retention policies:

A) ownership of the data.

B) retention of the data.

C) access to the data.

D) storage of the data.

E) A and D of the above

F) B and C of the above