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A faculty research associate has focused her research efforts on examining the efficacy of different colloidal silver treatments developed for its antibacterial effect on materials used in the construction of medical laboratory facilities. The majority of treatments have been developed by several private chemical companies.

Previously, the faculty research associate served as a consultant to one of these companies, recommending a modified procedure to reduce the size of colloidal silver particles. This one time consultation occurred three years ago.

The journal to which the researcher had successfully submitted and published several articles has an existing COI self-disclosure policy (the journal is one widely recognized in the field of biochemistry). The policy defines COI as researchers having a financial relationship with a private company whose interest are relevant to the research conducted. The financial relationship is defined as having stock ownership, receiving honoraria, or being paid to provide expert testimony.

The researcher feels that her single instance of being a paid consultant does not fall into any of these categories since she was not being paid as a full time employee or held on a permanent retainer.

Currently, the researcher is preparing to submit the manuscript of a study evaluating an innovative application of colloid silver developed by the same company that paid her for the one time consultation. The researcher intends to submit her findings to a new journal. As was her practice with the other journal, she does not disclose her involvement with the private chemistry company.
How should the researcher proceed?

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Developed 2006 by the Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center, Northern Illinois University.