Table of Contents
1: Annotated Primary Resources
2: General Resources
3: Web Resources
4: Video Materials
1: Annotated Primary Resources
Gadlin H. Preempting Discord: Prenuptial Agreements for Scientists, RCR Instructional resources. A good checklist for researchers about to engage in collaborative and interdisciplinary research.
Kalichman M. Scientific Integrity: Online Course in Responsible Conduct of Research: Collaboration and Mentoring, http://ethics.ucsd.edu/courses/integrity/assignments/collaboration.html. An excellent overview of all the issues involved in collaborative research.
Macrina FL, 2000. Chapter 8, Collaborative Research. Scientific Integrity: An Introductory Text with Cases, 2nd ed: pp 157-178. Washington DC: ASM Press. An outstanding synopsis of all the issues involved in collaborative research.
NAS, 1999, Overcoming Barriers to Collaborative Research, http://books.nap.edu/books/0309067847/html/index.html. The report focuses mostly on the collaborations between industry and academia, highlighting the differences in each culture and offering recommendations for how both sectors of the economy can best work together.

2: General Resources
Aldhous P, 2002. Harvard’s Melting Pot. Nature, Vol. 416: 256-257.
Cohen J, 1995. The Culture of Credit. Science, Vol. 268, No. 5218: 1706-1711.
Cohen J, 1995. Share and Share Alike Isn’t Always the Rule in Science. Science, Vol. 268, No. 5218: 1715-1718.
ESSC-ESF (European Space Science Committee – European Science Foundation). Future of International Collaboration in Space Science.
Gadlin H. Preempting Discord: Prenuptial Agreements for Scientists, RCR Instructional Resources.
Gottesman MM (Deputy Director for Intramural Research, NIH), 1999. Funding of Intramural Research Program/Extramural Research Program Collaborations.
Hybrid Vigor Institute[web document]. Hybridvigor.net.
Jenkins SC, 2004. Open, Collaborative Research Models Can Avoid Intellectual Property Problems, Duke’s Rai Say. Washington Fax.
Kalichman M. University of California, San Diego. Chapter 8 - Collaborative Science.
Kalichman M. Scientific Integrity: Online Course in Responsible Conduct of Research: Collaboration and Mentoring. http://ethics.ucsd.edu/courses/integrity/assignments/collaboration.html
Korenman SG, Berk R, Wenger NS, Lew V, 1998. Evaluation of the Research Norms of Scientists and Administrators Responsible for Academic Research Integrity. JAMA, Vol. 279, No. 1: 41-47.
Lie RK (Department of Clinical Bioethics, NIH). Ethical Issues in International Collaborative Research.
Locke J, 1999. No Talking in the Corridors of Science. American Scientist, Vol. 87, Iss. 1: 8-9.
Macrina FL, 2000. Chapter 8, Collaborative Research. Scientific Integrity: An Introductory Text with Cases, 2nd ed: pp 157-178. Washington DC: ASM Press.
Macrina FL, 1995. Dynamic Issues in Scientific Integrity: Collaborative Research. Washington, DC: American Academy of Microbiology.
Magnus PD, Kalichman M, 2002. Collaboration (From RCR Education Consortium – Online Resource for RCR Instructors). http://rcrec.org/r/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&meid=79&ceid=45
Metzger N, Zare RN, 1999. Interdisciplinary Research: From Belief to Reality. Science, Vol. 283, Iss. 5402: 642-643.
Mowery DC, 1998. Collaborative R&D: How Effective Is It? Issues in Science and Technology, Fall 1998.
NAS, 1999, Overcoming Barriers to Collaborative Research. http://books.nap.edu/books/0309067847/html/index.html
NAS, 1999, Research Teams and Partnerships: Trends in the Chemical Sciences. Report of a Workshop. http://www.nap.edu/books/0309068274/html/
NIH, The NIH Roadmap. http://nihroadmap.nih.gov
NIH, NIH Announces Strategy to Accelerate Medical Research Progress. http://www.nih.gov/news/pr/sep2003/od-30.htm
NIH, 1999. Collaborations of NIH Scientists with Extramural Scientists.
NSF, NSF Cross-cutting/Interdisciplinary Programs. http://www.nsf.gov/home/crssprgm/
ORI, 2002. RCR Resource Development Program.
Prabhakar A, 1996. Making the R&D Connection: A Perspective on the University Role. Science Next Wave, 7 June 1996.
Rhoten D, 2003. Final Report – A Multi-method Analysis of the Social and Technical Conditions for Interdisciplinary Collaboration. http://www.hybridvigor.net/interdis/pubs/hv_pub_interdis-2003.09.29.pdf
Roberston DW, Martin DK, Singer PA, 2003. Interdisciplinary Research: Putting the Methods Under the Miscroscope.
Robison VA, 1998. Some Ethical Issues in International Collaborative Research in Developing Countries [abstract]. Int. Dent. J., 48(6): 552-6.
Roessner D, 1996. Choose the Right Metric! Science Next Wave, 7 June 1996.
Rosenberg N, Nelson RR, 1994. American Universities and Technical Advance in Industry [abstract]. Research Policy, Vol. 23, Iss. 3: 323-348.
Schwartz JP. Science Is Not Golden: Making Collaborations Work.
Siegel BE (chairperson of the Federal Demonstration Partnership and director of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Northwestern University), 2000. The Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP), Phase III - A Cooperative Venture Between Federal Agencies and Participating Institutions.
Steneck NH. Collaborative Research in the Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research, ORI.
Sumner-Smith M (Vice President, Pharmaceutical Solutions), 2002. Collaboration and Integrated Computing Will Fuel Innovation.
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 2004. University of Pittsburgh and French National Institute Begin Scientific Collaboration.
University Relations Program, LLNL, 2001. Funding and Collaboration Opportunities Between the University of California and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
University Relations Program, LLNL, 2003. University Collaborative Research Program.
U.S. Code. U.S.C. Title 15, Chapter 69 – Cooperative Research, Sec. 4301- Sec. 4306.
U.S. Code. Notes on Sec. 4305 – Reports on Joint Ventures and United States Competitiveness.
Vonortas NS, 1997. Research Joint Ventures in the U.S. Research Policy, Vol. 26, 577-595.

3: Web Resources
Hybrid Vigor Institute [web document]. www.hybridvigor.net
Kalichman M. Scientific Integrity: Online Course in Responsible Conduct of Research: Collaboration and Mentoring. http://ethics.ucsd.edu/courses/integrity/assignments/collaboration.html
Magnus PD, Kalichman M, 2002. Collaboration (From RCR Education Consortium – Online Resource for RCR Instructors). http://rcrec.org/r/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&meid=79&ceid=45
NAS, 1999, Overcoming Barriers to Collaborative Research. http://books.nap.edu/books/0309067847/html/index.html
NAS, 1999, Research Teams and Partnerships: Trends in the Chemical Sciences. Report of a Workshop. http://www.nap.edu/books/0309068274/html/
NIH, The NIH Roadmap. http://nihroadmap.nih.gov
NIH, NIH Announces Strategy to Accelerate Medical Research Progress. http://www.nih.gov/news/pr/sep2003/od-30.htm
NSF, NSF Cross-cutting/Interdisciplinary Programs. http://www.nsf.gov/home/crssprgm/
Rhoten D, 2003. Final Report – A Multi-method Analysis of the Social and Technical Conditions for Interdisciplinary Collaboration. http://www.hybridvigor.net/interdis/pubs/hv_pub_interdis-2003.09.29.pdf
4: Video Materials
- Berkman: "Obstacles in International Research"
- Berkman: "Overcoming Inequalities"
- Berkman: "The Problems of the World"
- Neckerman: "Benefits of Collaborative Research"
- Neckerman: "Collaborative Relationships"
- Neckerman: "Several Kinds of Concerns"

Continue to the next section: → Conclusion