OLAW, USDA, and a voluntary accreditation program (Association for
Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care—AAALAC)
are charged with or assume the task of assuring that research institutions
live up to their responsibilities for the care and use of animals in
OLAW relies on an “assurance” mechanism to monitor institutional
compliance with the PHS Policy. An “Assurance” is a signed
agreement submitted by a research institution confirming that it will:
- comply with applicable rules and policies for animal care and use,
- provide a description of the institution’s program for animal
care and use,
- maintain an appropriate IACUC, and
- appoint a responsible IO for compliance.
The Assurance is considered the cornerstone of a trust relationship
between the institution and the PHS and grantsconsiderable authority
to institutions for self-regulation.
An OLAW-approved Assurance and compliance with PHS policy are considered
terms and conditions of receiving PHS funds. Compliance is monitored
by OLAW through annual mandatory institutional reporting to OLAW and
in the event of noncompliance, serious deviations from the Guide, or
IACUC suspensions. OLAW conducts limited site visits and reviews, and
if necessary conducts investigations of reported noncompliance. Institutions
that fail to submit an Assurance or to live up to the terms of their
Assurance can have their approval to use animals in research, teaching,
and testing suspended.
The animal welfare regulations also have mandatory reporting requirements,
but USDA is an inspection-based system carried out by USDA Veterinary
Medical Officers. Rather than allowing institutions to “assure”
their own compliance, USDA visits sites, either announced or unannounced,
to check whether institutions are in compliance. If violations are found,
the institution is then subject to administrative fines and penalties.
programs. Animal use programs can be, and most large
ones are, accredited by the Association for Assessment and Accreditation
of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) International. AAALAC is “a
private nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of
animals in science through a voluntary accreditation program.”
It is governed by a Board of Trustees representing scientific, professional,
and educational organizations. Its Council on Accreditation is composed
of animal care and use professionals and researchers who conduct the
program evaluations that determine which institutions are awarded accreditation.
AAALAC relies on widely accepted guidelines, such asthe Guide, and
other peer-reviewed resources when evaluating an institution’s
animal research program. During the accreditation process, AAALAC accreditors
evaluate all aspects of an institution’s animal research program.
If an institution meets AAALAC’s standards, it receives an accreditation
for a specified period of time and can use this accreditation to demonstrate
its commitment to high standards for the care and use of animals.