ORI Homepage
Part III: Conducting Research


Shared Values

Planning Research

Conducting Research

Reporting and Reviewing Research

Safe Driving & Responsible Research


Table of Contents


Once planning is complete, researchers can finally get on with the work they presumably enjoy most—conducting research. This is when hypotheses and new techniques are finally tested, when efforts get underway to solve problems and put new information to use. At this stage in any research project, three additional areasof responsibility become important:
     Chapter 6, Data Management Practices, discusses how researchers should collect, store, protect, and share data, mindful of the need to maintain its integrity, validity, and accuracy. Ownership issues must be considered. Some data must be shared with colleagues; other data must be protected from unapproved use. Some data must be preserved for specified periods of time; some destroyed to protect confidentiality.
     Chapter 7, Mentor and Trainee  Responsibilities, covers the role of the researcher as teacher. The continued growth of research in all fields is vitally dependent upon a constant supply of well-trained researchers. New researchers learn many of the techniques of their profession as they work side by side with established researchers. Established researchers therefore should take their responsibilities as mentors seriously.
     Chapter 8, Collaborative Research, explores special responsibilities that arise when researchers work with colleagues, whether in their own discipline or in other disciplines, at other institutions, and in other countries. When collaborating with colleagues, how should intellectual property agreements be worked out? Which country or institution’s research policies should be followed? How should project funds and project responsibilities be managed?