
Revised ORI FY2020 Annual Report

The ORI FY 2020 Annual Report has been revised to address a question raised by a reader about the way in which retractions and corrections were described in two titles on page 7.  The header “Outcomes of Retractions and Corrections Requested by ORI” has been changed to “Correcting the Scientific Record.” The title of the chart, “Outcomes from Retractions/Corrections Recommended by ORI (2015-2019), n = 164” has been changed to “Status of Publications Found to Contain Research Misconduct (n=164) in ORI Findings of Research Misconduct (2015-2019).” The titles are now more in line with the description of the work in the body of the text.

The report originally was released on February 8, 2021, and was updated to reflect these revisions on February 12, 2021. Download the updated PDF here

Source URL: https://ori.hhs.gov/blog/revised-ori-fy2020-annual-report