
Answer to FOA Questions

Below are questions from potential grant applicants for ORI′s Funding Opportunity Announcement (http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=248593) for research on the Responsible Conduct of Research and Research Integrity.

Question: ″What is the budget limitation in the FOA?″

Answer: The budget limitation is $150,000 per year, including direct and indirect costs. The second year awards are conditional depending on funding availability.

Question: ″Should applicants submit a work plan that encompasses two years?″

Answer: Applicants may apply for either one or two years of funding. Work plans should encompass the full duration of the proposed research.

Question: ″When would the funding period begin?″

Answer: The anticipated start date is approximately 08/01/2014.

Question: ″I understand that the focus of research questions #1 and 2 is on the evaluation of effectiveness of educational training or resources. Is it acceptable to submit a proposal that firsts describes the development of a tool (year 1) that could be used to measure effectiveness (perhaps in year 2)?″

Answer: Projects should demonstrate research results, at least in the pilot form, by the end of year one to be considered for continued funding for year two. A project that only develops a tool in year one without any testing is not likely to be funded.

Source URL: https://ori.hhs.gov/blog/answer-foa-questions