
ORI Conference Examines the Past, Present, and Future.

The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) was formed in 1992 with the merger of the NIH Office of Scientific Integrity (OSI) and the Office of Scientific Integrity Review (OSIR) within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, HHS.  Twenty years later, ORI has evolved into an office that goes beyond investigating allegations of research misconduct--ORI has become a partner with the research community to help improve the quality of research and improve the public trust in research.  

On April 3-5, 2013 in Baltimore, the "ORI at 20" conference will delve into the past 20 years, examining the events that led us here today.  The meeting will also explore the emergence of the responsible conduct of research and raise challenges for evaluating its effectiveness. 

Conference fee of $375 for attendees covers attendance to all sessions, including continental breakfasts, refreshment breaks, box lunch, dinner, a reception, a conference program, and all other materials involved in creating a rewarding learning experience.

A conference website can be found at http://regonline.com/ORIat20


Source URL: https://ori.hhs.gov/blog/ori-conference-examines-past-present-and-future