
ORI Welcomes New Director Kathryn M. Partin, Ph.D.

The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) announces the appointment of a new Director, Kathryn M. Partin, PhD.

Dr. Partin hails from Colorado State University, where she has served as Assistant Vice President for Research and Director of the Research Integrity and Compliance Review Office. Dr. Partin, who received her doctorate in molecular microbiology from SUNY Stony Brook in 1990, has been providing “Responsible Conduct of Research” training to biomedical scientists for 18 years. She has been involved with academic research misconduct proceedings since 2002, first as a faculty member and later as an administrator, and has been an active member of the national Association of Research Integrity Officers since its inception. In addition, she previously directed an interdisciplinary neuroscience “Program of Research and Scholarly Excellence” at CSU that recruits and trains doctoral students.

Dr. Partin will be joining ORI on December 28, 2015.

Source URL: https://ori.hhs.gov/blog/ori-welcomes-new-director-kathryn-m-partin-phd