Mentoring in Research   Approaches for Selecting a Mentorr
  • Make an appointment to meet with your prospective mentor. Come with questions you have about the process as well as the subject matter for potential research or scholarly associations. Afterwards note how well your questions were answered and how you felt during this meeting.
  • Talk with others who have been mentored by this person. How do they feel about this person and the mentoring they are receiving? Ask for specific information. Do they meet regularly with the mentor? Do they have a say in what direction the research will take? Does the mentor encourage their participation in regional or national conferences or professional meetings?
  • Get information about what former students with that mentor are doing now. Often this information is available in department offices or you can ask the prospective mentor. How does this fit your own professional plans? Your mentor can play an important role in facilitating your post-graduate activities, be they a position, professional school, or additional education.