Mentoring in Research   Attributes to Consider When Selecting a Mentorr
  • Approachable. Is this person easy to talk with? Do you feel comfortable in his/her presence?
  • Available. Is it relatively easy to find this person and to make an appointment to meet?
  • Compatible. Mentoring involves a close and often long-term association. Do you feel that the prospective mentor and you share similar views on education, research, professional vs. personal life?
  • Success. How have past students with this mentor fared? How do current students feel about this person?
  • Reputation. What is this person's reputation with regard to students in general? What is this person's reputation with regard to others such as faculty colleagues, staff members?
  • Your future. The role of the mentor will change over time. Can you see this person providing the balance of support and independence you desire? Do you see this person as an advocate, an asset for your next professional move, an eventual colleague?