Responsible Conduct in Data Management
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Learning Objectives


To promote responsible conduct of research and help those involved in research activities to become proactive and better prepared to deal with issues that may arise during the course of a research project.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of each section, users should be able to do the following:

Section 1: Overview

       - Identify various collaborative research topics critical to the responsible conduct of research.

Section 2: Need for Collaboration

       - Describe at least five justifications for engaging in collaborative research and their impact on the          responsible conduct of research.

Section 3: Types and Format

       - Distinguish between research collaboration ‘types’ and ‘formats’.

Section 4: Stages of Collaboration

       - List collaborative research issues occurring at various stages of a collaborative research relationship and          their potential impact on research integrity.

Section 5: Establishing the Relationship

       - Identify issues critical to establishing successful research collaborations and explain how a failure to          address even one of these issues may compromise both the relationship and the quality of the research.

Section 6: Working Together

       - Describe at least three research issues confronting collaborators that typically arise only after research          activities have begun.

Section 7: Identifying/Resolving Challenges

       - Describe various challenges that compromise collaborative research.                                                                            - List strategies that have been applied to address the identified challenges.

Section 8: Concluding or Continuing

       - Identify factors influencing a research team’s decision to conclude or continue collaboration, and the          potential impact on the responsible conduct of research.
