Remember to try as many alternatives as you can within each case study presented in this course.
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O N L I N E R E S E A R C H E T H I C S C O U R S E Section One: Ethical Issues in Research CASE STUDY: Crashing into Law The lawyer thanks Dr. Oleson for his work and tells him that he will require no further assistance in this matter. He reminds Dr. Oleson that he signed a confidentiality pledge. Dr. Oleson and Sven read the news reports of the trial with interest, smug about their insider knowledge. They then realize in horror that the conclusion they reached is being suppressed. They believe the strong probability that there was an explosion or fire in addition to the crash. They realize that the wrong conclusions are likely to be reached about the crash, resulting in liability being placed in the wrong hands and also resulting in less compensation for the families of the victims. Click this link to continue with this alternative.