Remember to try as many alternatives as you can within each case study presented in this course.

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O N L I N E   R E S E A R C H   E T H I C S   C O U R S E

Section One: Ethical Issues in Research

CASE STUDY: Expedience, Misrepresentation, or Falsification?

Have a discussion with Dr. Leyos in which you attempt to argue for another alternative.

This choice is ethically ideal. While it is important to talk with Dr. Leyos in a way that doesn't implicate the graduate students, this choice gives Dr. Leyos an opportunity to think through the proposed action with a colleague. Perhaps Dr. Leyos is so sure of the results that self-deception has set in. Perhaps Dr. Leyos is not aware of the seriousness of the consequences of his intended action. A conversation provides the opportunity for Dr. Leyos to change course without allegations of misconduct. However, it is also ethically and legally required for supervisors to protect the complainants (in this case, students engaged in informal communication) from retaliation.


To try a different alternative, click this link.