Remember to try as many alternatives as you can within each case study presented in this course.
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O N L I N E R E S E A R C H E T H I C S C O U R S E Section One: Ethical Issues in Research CASE STUDY: Expedience, Misrepresentation, or Falsification? Explain the problems that have occurred to the funders and request additional funds to support the testing required for statistical significance. This choice is ethically permitted. Additional funds may be requested from the funder with explicit description of how those funds would be used and why additional funds are needed. Dr. Leyos does not necessarily have a duty to detail the catastrophes that have caused the results to be shy of statistical significance and, thus, resulted in the new request, but it is ethically permitted, perhaps even ethically encouraged, to offer the full explanation.
END OF THIS CASE. To try a different alternative, click this link.