Remember to try as many alternatives as you can within each case study presented in this course.

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O N L I N E   R E S E A R C H   E T H I C S   C O U R S E

Section Five: Animals in Research

CASE STUDY: Recovery and Multiple Use

Question the method of euthanasia.

This choice is ethically required. Who is performing the euthanasia, the experience of the person doing so, and the method of euthanasia must be described in the protocol. The method of euthanasia must be one approved by the AVMA Panel on Euthanasia.

Upon questioning, the PI said that he had no further educational use once the surgery was completed. He was allowing the pigs to recover so that he could send them to slaughter. The sale of the pigs for meat would provide funds to assist with the training program.

What is your choice of action from below?

One IACUC member argues that the protocol should go forward because the method of euthanasia used by the slaughter house, penetrating captive bolt, is among the list of methods approved by AVMA.

Require that the animals be euthanized at the time of surgery, without regaining consciousness.

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