Editors of the Publications Division, American Chemical Society
Ethical Obligations of Reviewers of Manuscripts

Ethical Obligations of Reviewers of Manuscripts

1. …every scientist has an obligation to do a fair share of reviewing.

2. A chosen reviewer who feels inadequately qualified to judge the research reported in a manuscript should return it promptly to the editor.

3. A reviewer (or referee) of a manuscript should judge objectively the quality of the manuscript, of its experimental and theoretical work, of its interpretations and its exposition, with due regard to the maintenance of high scientific and literary standards. A reviewer should respect the intellectual independence of the authors.

4. A reviewer should be sensitive to the appearance of a conflict of interest….

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6. A reviewer should treat a manuscript sent for review as a confidential document....

7. Reviewers should explain and support their judgments adequately….

8. A reviewer should be alert to failure of authors to cite relevant work by other scientists,…

9. A reviewer should act promptly, submitting a report in a timely manner.

10. Reviewers should not use or disclose unpublished information, arguments, or interpretations contained in a manuscript under consideration, except with the consent of the author…. (PDF)