1. follow the rules and regulations for the transportation, care, and
use of animals;
2. design and perform research with consideration of relevance to human
or animal health, the advancement of knowledge, or the good of society;
3. use appropriate species, quality, and the minimum number of animals
to obtain valid results, and consider non-animal models;
4. avoid or minimize pain, discomfort, and distress when consistent
with sound scientific practices;
5. use appropriate sedation, analgesia, or anesthesia;
6. painlessly kill animals that will suffer severe or chronic pain
or distress that cannot be relieved;
. feed and house animals appropriately and provide veterinary care
as indicated;
8. assure that everyone who is responsible for the care and treatment
of animals during the research is appropriately qualified and trained;
9. defer any exceptions to these principles to the appropriate IACUC.