Remember to try as many alternatives as you can within each case study presented in this course.

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O N L I N E   R E S E A R C H   E T H I C S   C O U R S E

Section One: Ethical Issues in Research

CASE STUDY: Expedience, Misrepresentation, or Falsification?

Discuss the situation with your graduate students and other colleagues, explaining the problems with Dr. Leyos' approach.

This choice is ethically prohibited. Cases of suspected misconduct should be pursued in conversation with Dr. Leyos or with the Research Integrity Officer. PHS procedures for responding to allegations of scientific misconduct counsel, "Institutional employees who make, receive, or learn of an allegation of scientific misconduct will protect, to the maximum extent possible, the confidentiality of information regarding the whistle blower, the respondent, and other affected individuals." Discussing Dr. Leyos' choice with others violates his confidentiality.


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